George Fox: Journal. Edited by Norman Penney. Cambridge University Press, 1911.

George Fox: Journal. Bi-centenary edition in two volumes. Headley.

George Fox: Works. Eight volumes. Philadelphia, 1831.

Robert Barclay: An Apology for the True Christian Divinity. In English, 1678.

William Penn: No Cross, No Crown.

John Woolman: Journal.

Caroline E. Stephen: Quaker Strongholds. Headley, 1907.

John Wilhelm Rowntree: Essays and Addresses. Headley, 1905.

T. Edmund Harvey: The Rise of the Quakers. Headley, 1905.

Elizabeth B. Emmott: The Story of Quakerism. Headley, 1908.

Allen C. Thomas: The History of the Society of Friends in America.

Rufus M. Jones: The Quakers in the American Colonies. Macmillan, 1912.

Rufus M. Jones: Social Law in the Spiritual World. Headley, 1905.

Rufus M. Jones: Studies in Mystical Religion. Macmillan, 1909.

Rufus M. Jones: Children of the Light (Anthology of Quaker Mystics). Headley, 1909.

Evelyn Underhill: Mysticism. Macmillan, 1911.

William C. Braithwaite: The Beginnings of Quakerism. Macmillan, 1912.

William C. Braithwaite: Spiritual Guidance in Quaker Experience. Headley, 1909.

Edward Grubb: Authority and the Light Within. Clarke, 1908.

The Book of Discipline. Successive editions from 1783.

The Society of Friends. Encyclopædia Britannica. Eleventh edition.