It takes a lot to make a world, all classes and all kinds,
But where the flag is flying now, a fellow always finds
A figure that's familiar, and a work that's ever new,
A little Army bonnet and a uniform of blue.

We've toughed it in the Yukon, and we've surveyed o'er the plain,
And been where easy comfort is a thing you'd seek in vain,
But ever where the hardest was, we'd see the worker true,
A little Army bonnet and a uniform of blue.

'Way up on old Bonanza, ere we surveyed out the line,
Where hell was throned in glory, ruby lights and devil's wine,
There stood a sacred cottage, and a home it was for two,
Two little Army bonnets and the uniforms of blue.

They didn't have a fancy church, with organ and a choir,
And didn't always talk about the judgment and the fire,
But, seeking out the worst that were, they started them anew
To climb the ladder where they fell, those angels dressed in blue.

It wasn't long before we saw a change was taking place,
And brutish looks were vanishing from many a hardened face,
And seeds were planted deep in hell, which up to heaven grew,
By little Army bonnets in Salvation Army blue.

We play the game and never tame, and never settle down, And on our many weaknesses our better brothers frown, Although we seldom read the Book, we know it must be true, For once we met its angels, in a uniform of blue.