O Flag, on all the earth the best,
Thou emblem of true liberty,
We, immigrants from all the earth,
Pledge thee our love and loyalty!
Thy crimson bars to us are dear,
Thy stars with hope our hearts imbue;
Thou emblem of fraternity,
We will be true, yes true to you!

O Flag, thou flag of Washington,
Thou emblem of democracy,
We’ll follow thee, whate’er befall,
We pledge to thee our fealty!
Our brain, our brawn, our life, our all—
America, we give to you!
With heart and hand we pledge anew
To God and you, we will be true!

We will be true, yes, true to you,
O Flag, and all for which you stand:
Equality and liberty
And happiness throughout the land.—
Thy foster sons, America,
Will serve thee well—thy daughters too;
Their life, their all, they pledge anew,
O Stars and Stripes, to you—to you!