"Whoever heard of such a plan—a visit to Land's End! The very name of the place suggests the last spot on the globe; a great old house set down on the edge of a forest; and Dad called off on business for an indefinite period, but seemingly content to ship us on a wild goose chase. He's scarcely told us a word before of the place or of great-aunt Janice Meredith!"

Nora's tones were dismal indeed, as she rushed into the living room to join the other girls to discuss their journey.

She found the group the reverse of cheerful, at the prospect of this sudden change of plans, by the invitation to go to Land's End for a visit. "I have spent many happy days there with Aunt Janice and others," Mr. Meredith had told them on leaving, "but since your uncle Harry's death, have been there seldom—some day—" just at that point he paused with a sigh, and changed from what he had started to say—"Be dutiful and very loving to Aunt Janice; now there's only time for good-bye."

That was all they knew, entirely too little to satisfy the young
Meredith family!

"A visit to Land's End, what a prospect," Janey joined in sympathy with Nora; the two were near together in age, while Beth and Alice were younger. They sat listening to the complaints of the older girls, not yet having had a chance to express their views.

"Great-aunt Janice may be a lovely old lady," Beth seeing a chance broke in, by way of consolation; she threw down her story book to join in the discussion and plans that were inevitable.

The two brothers Don and Harry had gone to the station to see their father off and so the girls did not know their views as to what was to happen.

"How can we tell what Land's End is like, it may be a—a—castle!"

"Don't be silly, Beth—you must be reading a fairy tale!" Nora's tone was scornful, but in a moment she was sorry.

Alice, the youngest of the Meredith's clapped her hands happily, however, at Beth's suggestion.

"It may be a real—palace, Beth—wouldn't that be delightful?"

"Well, call it a castle of dreams, if you like," Nora began to smile, "it's no use crying over what can't be helped, because that wouldn't change the situation; if we must, that's settled. Dad has made the arrangements for us, by accepting the invitation, and there's nothing left to do but make the best of it after all!"

Janey's face, as well as Beth's and Alice's began to brighten at Nora's changed attitude.

"Land's End may be far happier to visit than we can dream of," Janey joined in quietly, "and now we had best get right to packing, for there isn't much time to lose."

"Could we do a little shopping?" Beth asked, "there may not be any stores near."

"We can't carry too much though," Nora said, by way of precaution, "however we must all remember to take Aunt Janice something; it's good of her to take us all in for an indefinite visit."

"Only six additions of the Meredith family." At that they all began to laugh merrily, and good humor was restored.

"Would you believe it, I've just begun to think of Aunt Janice's side; she doesn't know us at all, yet has invited us on a long visit. I just believe she must be a sweet, brave old lady!"

Janey looked up quickly from preparations—"I'm sure Aunt Janice is a dear," she said pleasantly, "and I for one am going prepared to have a good time, and to try and cheer her up. Dad said we must be dutiful and loving."

"What's dutiful?" asked Alice.

Nora laughed. "There now, Janey—explain yourself."

"Well, Alice, I think it will mean for us to be obedient, and respectful in trying to do everything to please Aunt Janice. I guess that is what Dad meant."

Beth and Alice looked much happier; the visit to Land's End was growing more and more interesting, since Nora and Janey were beginning to be ashamed of their first attitude and trying to make amends.

"There's a song that goes like this," said Janey:

"'I would be true, for there are those who trust me,
I would be pure, for there are those who care,
I would be strong, for there is much to suffer,
I would be brave, for there is much to dare'…"

"I love to sing those words, don't you, Nora? There always seems a lot of things to do in it, that are worthwhile."

"There are a lot of worthwhile things to follow out in the song," Nora replied, "suppose we all sing it together, before we start to get ready for our journey?"

They all crossed quickly over to the open piano in one corner of the room. Nora had taken music and so was the pianist of the family. She struck the opening chords, and then they all joined in singing it through.

"' I would look up—and laugh—and love—and lift —" the music died away, while the girls remained in thought for a few moments. It was Nora who broke the pause, glancing around on the group who had always looked up to her.

"I think the words are beautiful," she commented softly—"I somehow feel braver, when I sing them thoughtfully—' I would look up and laugh and love and lift!'"

"I think I'll take that as my motto to try and follow."

"I would like to also," Janey, too, was thinking hard.

Then they broke up, happier because of the challenge in the song to worthwhile effort, and ready now to begin the preparations of the impending journey to Land's End!