THE third house rules over railways, postal, telegraphic and telephonic services, and all matters connected therewith, such as railway stocks and shares, traffic returns, etc.; it has also to do with all forms of locomotion, buses, motors, and the like, also books, newspapers and literary undertakings. The same rules are to be applied here as in dealing with the other houses, viz., that the planet in the house has chief influence, and when no planet is therein, the ruler of the sign on the cusp of the house is to be considered.
The Lunation falling in the third house denotes much activity in all matters ruled over by the house, and shows many benefits and successful undertakings connected therewith, but if afflicted it denotes much trouble therein, danger of accidents, and losses in ventures with publishers, and the like.
The Sun in this house benefits the heads of departments, but if afflicted denotes illness and probably death among notable people connected with the third house affairs.
The matters ruled by the house in which the afflicting planet is situated should be carefully considered in this respect.
The Moon in the third benefits workers in railways and postal affairs, and if well aspected will improve their condition, wages, and prospects, If afflicted, it shows much discontent among employees, unrest and agitation, danger of accidents and falling off of receipts.
Mercury in the third benefits traffic returns if well aspected, shows an active period and increased facilities for traveling. It is especially beneficial for postal affairs, publishing concerns, newspapers, and the like. If much afflicted it denotes falling off of returns, discontent in the postal service, failure of publishers, and causes a good deal of discontent. It may also cause illness or death of noted writers, or people connected with third house affairs.
Venus in this house is favourable, denoting improved returns, better condition of workers, etc. If afflicted, it denotes discontent, illness and death of noted writers or artists, more likely of the novelist type. It may also cause crime on railways and many unpleasant events in connection with third house matters. Mars in this house has particular relation to railways and denotes accents and fires, heavy expenses, losses, depreciation of railway securities, and if much afflicted causes discontent and agitation among employees. It is a very evil position, and when much afflicted brings serious accidents not only on railways, but also in other forms of locomotion. It will adversely affect publishing concerns,
Jupiter in the third is favourable for railways, and traffic returns will increase. The wages and conditions of workers will improve. It will cause busy times in literary and publishing circles, and many improvements in postal affairs. It denotes many benefits in all matters coming under the rule of the third house. If much afflicted, it shows heavy expenses, losses. And troubles in the working and management of affairs to do with locomotion.
Saturn in this house denotes much discontent among employees, depreciation of trade, falling off of receipts in railways and postal matters, accidents, and a general unsatisfactory state of affairs in all third house matters. If much afflicted the evil is augmented, but if well aspected it has no very appreciable effect, and the evil shown is not much ameliorated. It is sure to cause illness and death among prominent people connected with publishing or literary affairs.
Uranus in the third house has particular reference to railways, telephonic and telegraphic affairs, motors, and the like. It shows accidents on the railways, explosions, extraordinary occurrences.
Strikes and insubordination among employees, thefts and disputes. It will bring many troubles in postal matters, and disturbs third house affairs generally.
Neptune in the third denotes much agitation among employees, plots and secret movements, socialistic projects, crime and fraud, losses in trade, and falling off of returns. Cases of fraud and swindling will come to light.