The sixth house has special reference to the public health and general condition of the working classes and servants. It also governs the national service, Army and Navy, the Soldiers and Sailors, Battleships, etc.

The nature of the sickness affecting the country generally can be deduced from the planets in this house, or ruling over it according to the parts of the body ruled by such sign, etc.

The Lunation falling in the sixth house, if well aspected augurs well the affairs governed by this house, but, if evilly aspected, disturbs these affairs. The health of the people will suffer, and much discontent will be shown among the working classes generally.

The Sun in the sixth is favourable for health and the working classes. If afflicted, it shows discontent and much sickness. The Navy will suffer. Some prominent servant of the State may die.

The Moon in the sixth shows much sickness among the populace, discontent and dissatisfaction. It causes disorder in the Navy, and unless well aspected is not a good position.

Mercury in the sixth house denotes activity among the lower classes, a desire for mental improvement generally. If afflicted, it shows discontent, thieving and crime, increase of insanity, and much disorder generally.

Venus in this house is favourable for the lower classes and the Navy, improves their condition. If afflicted, shows much vice, want and misery, and causes much illness thereby.

Mars in the sixth is a very evil position, denoting much feverish and inflammatory disease among the people, according to the nature of the sign in which Mars in placed. It also denotes fires and accidents on warships, and insubordination among sailors. If well aspected the effects are mitigated, and in regard to naval affairs denotes some demonstration or naval review.

Jupiter in the sixth benefits the public health, improves the condition of the working classes, and also shows benefits to the Navy. If afflicted, heavy expenditure in naval and military affairs.

Saturn in the sixth house is a very evil position, denoting much ill-health among the populace, of the nature shown by the sign occupied by Saturn, also discontent and dissatisfaction among the lower classes and in the Navy. If afflicted, the evils are more prominent and severe.

Uranus in the sixth denotes many peculiar disorders among the people, according to the sign Uranus is in; explosions on warships, insubordination among sailors, mutiny, etc. It denotes serious accidents, explosions attended with loss of life and limb.

Neptune in the sixth shows much vice and immorality among the lower classes, socialistic propaganda doing mischievous work therein. It also affect the Navy in the same seditious manner, and conduces to much unrest among sailors. It affects the health of the community through an increase of illicit habits, drug-taking, opium-smoking, etc. It also tends to produce scandals in naval and military circles.