The eighth house has special reference to death, mortality, and all matters to do therewith. It also governs the Privy Council.

The Lunation falling in this house is important, depending upon the houses ruled by the Luminaries, and the planetary aspects thereto. When evilly aspected, it denotes deaths in high circles and amongst notable people, especially females. When well aspected, it signifies gains to the nation, through death duties, and the like.

The Sun in the eighth house denotes deaths among important people, Royalty, nobility, and the upper ten. If well aspected, success to the nation.

The Moon in the eighth house shows much mortality among common people, especially women, and, if much afflicted, panics, resulting in many deaths.

Mercury in the eighth house, afflicted, denotes deaths in literary and publishing circles, and among children and young people. It shows activity and changes in the Privy Council. When well aspected, legislation affecting death duties and like.

Venus in the eighth house denotes gains to the Exchequer through death duties, but if afflicted, will cause many deaths among females, artistic and musical people, and notable ladies of the land. Care should be taken to observe the house ruled over by Venus.

Mars in the eighth house is an evil testimony, denoting many sudden and terrible deaths, by fire, accidents, and crime. It denotes deaths of military, naval, and medical men, notable people in the iron and steel industry, and those connected with trades to do with fire. In an eclipse it has a very unfavourable signification.

Jupiter in the eighth benefits the nation through gains to the Exchequer by death duties, and, if afflicted, denotes deaths among Royalty, nobles, legal and religious people, magistrates, bankers, and financiers.

Saturn in this house is another evil position, denoting much mortality among elderly people, noted characters, prominent men of the day, and those who hold or have held important positions in the Government of the country.

Uranus in the eighth denotes many sudden deaths, by accident, explosion, electricity, heat, suicide, and in many strange and unaccountable ways.

Neptune in this house is also an evil position, denoting much mortality through drowning, poison, drug-taking, deaths from misadventure, and overdoses of sleeping potions. It causes an increase of insanity, and deaths by suicide.