Having given in the previous twelve chapters the influence of each Lunation falling in each house, and the planetary positions at the times of the various New Moons and Ingresses, we now give a few simple rules and instructions for judging the various events which are likely to occur.
It is essential to note in this particular matter that the figures for the four Ingresses should be first erected, and those for the New Moons afterwards, these latter being subsidiary to the figures of the Sun’s entering the four Cardinal signs., The first figure to be erected is that of the Sun entering the sign Aries, for this is the radical figure, or ground work, of the Astrological year.
First of all, it should be noted what kind of sign is rising, for if a fixed sign rise, then this figure will have rule for the entire twelve months following. If a Common sign be rising, it will rule for six months, and if a Cardinal sign rise, its influence will exhaust itself during the three months ensuing. It therefore follows that if a Fixed sign rises at the moment of the Sun’s entry into
Aries, all the other quarterly figures are secondary in influence to this first figure.
First of all, consider the house in which the Ingress takes place, and note the planetary aspects to the Sun at this time. All matters governed by that house will come prominently into operation during the period ruled over by this Ingress, and the effects will be good or evil according to the aspects and house and position of the aspecting planet.
Then deal with the first house. Note the planets rising therein, and also observe the position of the planet ruling the rising sign, for this planet is the lord or ruler for the year, and according to its position and aspects, so will its effects be prominent during the stated period. If a malefic, evil effects, but if a benefic, an improved state of affairs generally may be expected.
After this take the houses in rotation. Note particularly the planets therein and the aspects they receive, and judge according thereto.
In judging the effects of New Moons, in addition to the prognostics to be arrived at from the place of such New Moon and from the planetary positions in the various houses, it should be carefully noted that the place of every New Moon should be referred back to the figure for the previous Ingress, and the planetary positions at such New Moon should also be carefully compared with the Meridian, Ascendant and planetary positions at such previous Solar Ingress.
Where the Sun’s Ingress into Aries has rule for a longer period than three months, all other Solar Ingresses occurring with that period will have a secondary influence to such Ingress into Aries, and that of New
Moons following within such period, in addition to being referred to the previous quarterly figure, should also be referred back to the figure for the Sun’s entry into Aries.
For example:-If the figure for the Sun’s entry into Aries only rules for three months, then the New Moons formed within that period are to be referred back to such figure. If it has rule for six months, then the New Moons occurring in the Sun’s entry into Cancer are first of all to be referred to this latter figure, and then finally to the figure for the Sun’s entry into Aries. If it should have rule over a whole twelve months, then each lunation should be referred first of all to the quarterly figure preceding it, and finally to the original figure which has rule over the twelve months.
A further method of prognostication can be made from quarterly figures, and this will give the particular day or dates upon which various events shown in such figure are likely to occur. This is done by watching the transits of the planets, including the Sun, over the places and aspects of the positions at the time of Ingress.
For example:-Suppose the Sun, should be in the seventh house, denoting that Foreign affairs will be prominent during a particular quarter, not, during the period which the figure has rule over, what aspects are formed by the planets thereto; for instance should Mars pass the place of the Sun, then it would denote serious troubles in Foreign relations, or if the Sun or Moon be in the tenth house, and Mars should transit such place, then it would denote illness or death of Royalty or notable people on the days when such transit occurred. The place of each New Moon should also be observed in the quarterly figure in a like manner.