Here's flowery taffeta for Mary's new gown:
Here's black velvet, all the rage, for Dick's birthday coat.
Pearly buttons for you, Mary, all the way down,
Lace ruffles, Dick, for you; you'll be a man of note.
Mary, here I've bought you a green gingham shade
And a silk purse brocaded with roses gold and blue,
You'll learn to hold them proudly like colours on parade.
No banker's wife in all the town half so grand as you.
I've bought for young Diccon a long walking-stick,
Yellow gloves, well tanned, at Woodstock village made.
I'll teach you to flourish 'em and show your name is DICK,
Strutting by your sister's side with the same parade.
On Sunday to church you go, each with a book of prayer:
Then up the street and down the aisles, everywhere you'll see
Of all the honours paid around, how small is Virtue's share.
How large the share of Vulgar Pride in peacock finery.