AN INCIDENT IN A WINDOW SEAT.                                

He: Well, how many conquests? I fancy a score

By the flush on your cheeks and your shoulders.

She:       A bore! He: Oh, nonsense; a debutante just out of school

Who can rule with a smile what a king could not rule,

From young Harry, her prince, to myself, her poor fool!

Come, tell me, did Harry propose?

She:       What a goose

You would think me to tell you, and then of what use

Could it be?

He: Well, it might give me hope, where before

There was none,—quite a boon from the lips you adore

When you 're hungry for love.

She (coquetting): Or who knows but it might— He: Yes, it might blot from life every semblance of light

As the clouds blot the moon on a storm-troubled night.

But tell me.

She: He did. He:       And your answer was? She:             No. He: You mean it, or are you coquetting yet? She:             Oh!

I just told him I cared for another—he smiled.

It was merely to him so much pleasure beguiled

From a girl. Charge it up profit?—loss?—tell me which?

He thinks I am pretty, they say, but, not rich.

He would love me, perhaps, for a season or two,

So I told him that I loved another.

He:            And who? She (archly): Really, must I tell you? He:       No—your finger—yes, this!

A solitaire—done! and now quickly!

She (feigning reluctance):      One! He (ecstatically):            Kiss.