Mr. La-di-da ( found guilty of swindling ) . . . H. Bartlett.

Mr. Justice Nupkins . . . W. Blundell.

Mr. Hungary, Q.C. ( Counsel for the Prosecution ) . . . W. H. Utley.

Sergeant Sticktoit ( Witness for Prosecution ) . . . James Allman.

Constable Potlegoff ( Witness for Prosecution ) . . . H. B. Tarleton.

Constable Strongithoath ( Witness for Prosecution ) . . . J. Flockton.

Mary Pinch ( a labourer’s wife, accused of theft ) . . . May Morris.

Foreman of Jury . . . T. Cantwell.

Jack Freeman ( a Socialist, accused of conspiracy, sedition, and obstruction of the highway ) . . . H. H. Sparling.

Archbishop of Canterbury ( Witness for Defence ) . . . W. Morris.

Lord Tennyson ( Witness for Defence ) . . . A. Brookes.

Professor Tyndall ( Witness for Defence ) . . . H. Bartlett.

William Joyce ( a Socialist Ensign ) . . . H. A. Barker.

Usher . . . J. Lane.

Clerk of the Court . . . J. Turner.

Jurymen, Interrupters, Revolutionists, etc., etc.

* * * * *


Citizen Nupkins ( late Justice )  . . . W. Blundell,

Mary Pinch . . . May Morris.

William Joyce ( late Socialist Ensign ) . . . H. A. Barker.

Jack Freeman . . . H. H. Sparling.

1st Neighbour . . . H. B. Tarleton.

2nd Neighbour . . . J. Lane.

3rd Neighbour . . . H. Graham.

Robert Pinch, and other Neighbours, Men and Women.