About your brow a starry wreath,

About your feet a wilderness,

Where young hot hopes grow cold beneath

The tangled bondage of the press.

Set like a saint within a niche—

A strait and narrow niche—you hide,

And weave a veil about you, which

Can turn our steel, Saint Bride, Saint Bride.

The eyes of coarse and pond’rous man

Are sceptic and satirical.

What, little saint, and still you scan

Old heaven for that miracle?

Oh heart deceived, yet harmèd not,

Child-widow of a truth that died,

Bearer in mind of things forgot,

Bride of a dream, Saint Bride, Saint Bride.

About you and about you thunders

The wise young public on its ’bus,

Exploding all your faery blunders,

Explaining neatly—“ Thus and thus

Hath science banished heaven now,

And see—your Groom is crucified—

On heaven’s breast you lean your brow

And laugh, and love—Saint Bride, Saint Bride.