The finest fruit God ever made

Hangs from the Tree of Heaven blue.

It hangs above the steel sea blade

That cuts the world’s great globe in two.

The keenest eye that ever saw

Stares out of Heaven into mine,

Spins out my heart, and seems to draw

My soul’s elastic very fine.

The greatest beacon ever fired

Stands up on Heaven’s Hill to show

The limit of the thing desired,

Beyond which man may never go.

*        *        *         *         *         *

At midnight, when the night did dance

Along the hours that led to morning,

I saw a little boat advance

Towards the great moon’s beacon warning.

(The moon, God’s Slave, who lights her torch,

Lest men should slip between the bars,

And run aground on Heav’n, and scorch

To death upon a bank of stars.)

The little boat, on leaning keel,

Sang up the mountains of the sea,

Bearing a man who hoped to steal

God’s Slave from out eternity.

My love, I see you through my tears.

No pity in your face I see.

I have sailed far across the years:

Stretch out, stretch out your arms to me.

My love, I have an island seen,

So shadowed, God’s most piercing star

Shall never see where we have been,

Shall never whisper where we are.

There we will wander, you and I,

Down guilty and delightful ways,

While palm-trees plait their fingers high

Against your God’s enormous gaze.

For oh—the joy of two and two

Your Paradise shall never see,

The ecstasy of me and you,

The white delight of you and me.

I know the penalty—the clutch

Of God’s great rocks upon my keel.

Drowned in the ocean of Too Much—

So ends your thief—yet let me steal....

The Slave of God she froze her face,

The Slave of God she paid no heed,

And, thund’ring down high Heaven’s space,

Loud angels mocked the sailor’s greed.

The diamond sun arose, and tossed

A billion gems across the sea.

The Slave of God is lost, is lost,

The Slave of God is lost to me....

He grounded on the common beach,

He trod the little towns of men,

And God removèd from his reach

The cup of Heaven’s passion then,

And gave him vulgar love and speech,

And gave him threescore years and ten.