voyage from Novo-Arkhangelsk to California

and back in 1M kept by Lieutenant

Btov (pl. 26). From Rezanov there are found

а сору of his report to the Emperor Alexan-

der оп his voyage to California, dated from

Novo-Arkhangelsk, Јипе 17, (pl. 27),

the original credentialB to him ав envoy to

Јарап, dated Јипе W, 1803 (pl. И), and hiB

undated autograph of а Memorandum for а

future convention 7ith Јарап, if such should

take place,” concerning commercial relations

and fsheries (pl. 29).

There are other papers which give liBts 0f

original Russian settlers in America and of

Bhareholders of the Russian-American Сот.

рапу and describe conditions in kamchatka

and Alaska. Опе of the paprs tells the story

of the progress of the Сотрапу : А church

оп kadiak, miscellaneous property

acquired in Novo•Arkhangelsk, houses built,

schools opened, twenty-seven thousand “Amer-

icans Р baptized, seventy thousand made Rus-

Bian subjects, geographical explorations made

from the Strait of Behring to

torards the equator,” purchase of ап island пе-

got"d with the king of the Sandwich Islands,
