36 1825 —
38 1831 —
39 1881
40 1882 —
42 1834 —
43 1837,—
44 1837 —
45 1838 —
ш; 1838 —
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50 1839 —
51 1889 —
5 1889—
1 p.l
145 -
tice. of Drawing; Ву ап Artist. (съ портр. Рубенса). London.
16 д. 70 стр.
'ГПе history of England; from the invasion of Julius Caesar
to therevolntionin 1688. Ву David Ншпо Esq. T.8-it. London. 8 д.
316 стр. съ портр.
Transactions the Royal Asiatic Society of Great-Britain
and Ireland (съ рис.) 2-й т. въ 2 ч. London. 4 д. 579 стр. съ рис.
Ротреи. I,ondon. Printet by William Clowcs 1831—32. 2 Vo-
lumes in 120 Х—З3З; Х 11—381. Съ гран. и политипажи. рисунв. З
Insect miscellgnies. 120 414. Съ ри .
Sketches of the Edinbourvh clergy of the established church о
with portraits ot (loctors Chalmers; Gordon, lnglis,
Mui х, The Late sir Henri Moncreif, and doctor Andrew Тот-
son. Edinbourgh. 8 д. 111 стр.
The British museum. Egyptian antiquities, 2 volumes. Lon-
don. 2 тома. 120 399, 448 стр.
Johnson's dictionary of the English Language а port-
rait. London. д. 282 стр.
Uncle Philip's conversation.s with the уоипд people about the
Whale Fisherv, und polar regions. London. 12 д. 402 стр.
'I'he poetic:al works of Thomas Campbelle. With а portrait
engraved by Horsburgh, After sir T60mas Lawrence. Edin-
bourgh. 12 д. 358 стр.
Arcana of science and art: or, ап annual register. London.
8 д. 321 стр. Съ раскраш. трав. ЦВ'Ьткомъ Victoria Regina и
миож. иллюстр.
Soutll Атепса апа the pacific . . . Campbelle Scgrlett. Lon-
don. 8 д. 2 т. 314 в 362 стр. съ рис.
лп expedition of discovery into the interior of Africa .
.Jmnes Edward Alexander. London. 8 д. 2 т. 302 и 806 стр.
съ рис.
1,cttres сопсенйюд the .Xorthern coast of the countof' Ап-
trim: containing observation оп the antiquities. Manners and
customs of that country. With tlle natural histvry 0f the Basal-
tes. illustrated by ап accurate тар of tlle county of
and views ef the most. interesting objects оп the coast by the
Rer. Ж. Hamilton Coleraine 1839 in 80 86, 265 s. съ <јортре-
томъ автора, съ картою и 6-ю трав. вида ни.
Xarrative of the surveying voyages ofhis majesty•s ships ad-
venture and beagle between the years 1826 and 1836, descri-
bing their eximination of the southern shores of South Ате-
rica, and the, beagle's circumnavigation of the globe. I,ondon.
Томы 1 и 3-й 697 м 615 стр. съ трав.
Тоже. lipnozeHie кь 2 тому. 80. 362 стр.
New Zealand: being а narrative of travels aud adventur
%durin а residence in that country between the years 1891 and
1887 Ј. S. Polack, esq. member of the colonial society ot
London new edit. 1n two volurn ч. l,ondon. XXII— 403, VI—441
стр. съ 7 трав.
Letters оп Paraguay. Р. Robertson. London. 8 д. $ т. 359,
344 м Ш) стр. съ трав.
Narrative ofthe surveying of his jn*sty's ships ad-
venture and beagle: betweell the years 1826 and 1836 descri-
bung their e.xanunation of the southerll shores of south Ате-
rica, ahd the beagle•s circumnavigation of the. globe. Т. 1-й.
London. 8 д. 578 стр. съ 1 равюв.
Memoirs 0f the Princes.* Dasc kow. lady of honnour to Са-