that never received апу answer to ту ptition presented to
His Imperial Majesty. When I was last at St.-Petersbourg
Monsieur de Longuinof having only read over to те а report
from the Admiralty, wherein the gauant servi(M of ту grand-
father are never mentioned, and as this report 80 made out
could only prejudice the chaims in ту petition, have in соп-
sequence lately given in ту protestation against it, and hope
that shall not be forced to таке use of t.he various documents
in ту possession; therefore trusting to the justice of ту case
and leaving the same to the generosity of the have
по doubt of receiving а satisfactory answer by уоит excellency
forwarding the inclosed.
must опсе тоге beg your excellency's pardon for the
trouble give уои, but which hop the emergency 0f the
will excuse.
Mrs Elphinstone joins те in the most respectful regards
to yourself and Mrs Mordwinof.
Р. S. Hoping that your excellency will favour те with
а line оп the receipt of this, I shall beg уои to forward the
same to the care of ту banker (Samuel Drewe, Esq-r, ВапК
of England, London). I send this by а person, who is going
to Russia. 1 cannot help hereby remarking, that as count
0rlof, who as second in command was made the hero of
Tchesmb, ту grandfather should at least have been made the
hero of Napoli de Romania 1), where he епд• the turkish
1) При приаовыхъ денегъ въ 1776 году, вначете
этой битвы такъ опред•Влено „Бой
эскадры контръ-адмирала Эльфинстона при Наполи-ди-Романи. въ
маз 1770 года, яко начатокь флотомъ ея императорсваго величе-
ства военныхъ !13AcTBit и ыЊмъ потомъ учи-
неннымъ и анаменитымъ побЫщмъ, при
которомъ, не ваира.я на весьма превосходное число турокъ, кото-
рыхъ флоть состоялъ въ 25 большихъ и малыхъ судахъ, а Эльфин-
стонову эскадру, напротивъ того, составляли З корабля и 2 фрега-
та, турки принуждены были уступить съ бою м%сто и ре-
тироваться подъ Наполи-ди-РоманиЬ.