„Въ султановъ же дворъ", говорив Ао. Нвквтвнъ,— „7-рв
порота И 1). Иодъ двоьюмъ онъ, вовечно, топ врмдь, о
которомъ было готрено выше; „в въ воровхъ с%датъ по ' 100
сторожевъ да по 100 писцевъ вофаровъ: вто поидеть, иви
(то•ить, трубив) чаши, подев•чвиви в т. д., итьв compound of7hieh itsgratest
pnrtion iB tin. It of tbiB metal 24 parb and опе of copper, јоЫ Ыоп.
Самое проввводство опиеываети таиъ же The businezs of their восопа viBit
тля [о c.ast, or to такс, before те а vusel 0t thoir varo. The •pparatuB which
thny bronght with them оп оссвв{оп of а broken urtben pt, urve
в farnace; • piece 0f batntm about а long и а t»1107B, or b107-pipa;
Готт mnde 0f clay, exnetly rewnbling соттоп апа ите тах
Thich probahly had bcen us«l by several депопЕош for the ригрове for 'hich it
is yet employed. ТЬс fTBt operation cover the form with тах оп вп Bida,
which тав done by winding а band, into which the пх ав clow и
ronnd it. А tbin coat of clay чов then laid over the тах, and, futen
thc nnter to the inner elay form, доте iron pins тете driven &rough it in variouB
directionc After thiB hBd heen dried for воте Ите [п the вип, thevax
by pntting the form in а place nfBcieutIy heated, and dischargA through the hole,
by which thB melted metBl iB poured in to i' П iB narcely n&ssary
to вау, that 7ben [he metal iB впНепИу cooled the form iB broken, and the ves•
found of the duired Bhape. Coloudng the ware vith the Btanding black, for
whieh they Bre eelebrated, is the next, and in ту opinion the remarkable
opomtinn. П comBiBtB in taking чиа1 parts of muriate of ьттоп[а and Bltpdre
eatth, Bltch вв iB found •t the bottom of old mud in old •nd рори1овв 'il-
lages in India, mixing tbem together with nter, •nd rubbing the pute wbich [в
thns produced оп the vesgol which hag been previouly soraped 7ith в knife. ТЬе
change of colour iB •lmogt instantsnaug, and, 7bBt is surpriBing to те, luting.
The nltpetre ввпЬ of tbi8 р)псе hu, 7hen dry, а reddiBh colonr, like the воп
about Biddery. П 1в verr like1y th•t tbe carbonate, от oxide 0f iron, *hich it соп-
tains, iB egentially пе«твату for the 0f the black The muriate
antl nitmtB 0f lime, wbich ig in congiderable proportion in earth from which
Rnltpotro. ls mauufaetured in India, тау ba perhap пое ап uselleg ingr&nt in
thi8 rnpect.... The тау of inlaying them verr Bimple; butofwurgeu tedious вв
bo imagined, and could оп1у praetIud 7heN Ите 0f litle nlue.
'J'bc равв ог the projectexl fgure are frst епе out in Bilvor leaf, 7hich plac«l
in а piece of broken earthenware before the •rtist, who ents 7itb а
instrnment the вате fgure оп the v—l, gpplies the Bilver laf, pln after
впа gcntly hammers it lnto itg The greatztBkilI Eon8iBtg in tmcing the
0f the fgnre оп [he vegel ex•ctly of the впте 8ize ав they ме in the 8ilver leaf
and in this have never дееп them miBtaken. ТЬеу do their vork very ехВЈ•
tioni1y, апд 7iIl тако апу fgure оп copper with tha greatest п—, to
the ватр!с which is laid before them.
Ав. Н., 335.