Пит» кь графу С. Р. Иронцву *).
Downing-Street, Јипе 1-st 1804.
Count Woronzow will Ј trust allow те to •trouble him by
repeating in writing the earnest and anxious wish, which Ј
have already expressed to him in conversation оп а point
which Ј feel to be essenual importance to the intere" of
our rospective courts, and to those of Europe.
Ј need not say how much satisfaction and encouragement
Ј have derived from finding the foundation happily laid of ап
intimate concert of views and measures between Great-Britain
and Russia at this critical period, or how strongly ту wishes
are directed to the 80lid establishment so benencial ап Union.
Nothing сап in ту opinion so much contribute to it as that
we should continue, under the present circumstances, to have
the full benefit of count Woronzow's personal cooperation and
his zeal, talents and experience in the station, in which Ј
have so long had the happiness of cultivating his friendship
and confidence.
knowing how much he has at heart the саше in Hhich we
are jointly engaged, Ј trust that по considerations of personal
convenience, however strong, will induce him to press his de-
parture, while his presence here тау be so essential, and that
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