
[IpoujeHie Эльфинстона 1).


The gracious favour and condescending kindnes.s, with which

1 have been so frequently bonored by Your Imperial Majesty,

encourages те this time to approach Your Imperial

with the most profound respect, hoping that this memorial тау

meet with Уоит Imperial Majesty's approbation and gracious


When ту late grandfather admiral John Elphinstone had

been selected by t.he british government, through а request

made to them by Нет late Imperial Majesty the Ernpress Ка-

tberine, for а particular service, and in consequence he entered

the russian service witb the тапк of rear-admiral, it wa.s with

the certain condition of his always having the chief command

wherever he served.

This was acknowledged by count 0rlof by placing himself

and the whole feet under the orders of ту grandfather at the

battle 0f Tchesmb.

After having fulflled his engagements, and fnding that the

honors and rewards of а commander in chief, which he concei-

ved wa.s his (lue, had been conferred оп another, he requested

his own government to recal him, which took place, and he

1) Внука контръ-адмирала русской службы Джона Эльфинстона,

1720 — 1775; два сына контръ-адмирала, Джонъ и Самуель. были

тоже въ русской служб%; отецъ уволенъ 19 1771 г., сыновья

22 1771 года. Въ письм% отъ 31 августа 1783 г. Екатерина

писала кн. Потемкину: „сына Эльфинстона я взяла въ службу,а съ

нимъ никто не уладить“ (Сборникъ, XXVII, 277). ДМствительно,

22 августа 1783 г. Самуель Эльфинстонъ принять на службу изъ

англјйскихъ морскихъ инженеровъ въ капитаны 2-го ранга. но онъ

не быль сыномъ контръ-адмирала, это быль его однофамилецъ. от-

личивштся во время шведской войны: за гохландское на-

гражденъ св. 4-й ст. См. указъ адм. С. К. Грейгу, отъ

18 1788 г, (Реляти, П, 15).