тральной Америж± у ней присталище на Атланти-
чесномъ и нр%пость на Тихомъ океан±. * )
Чтобы побить надо ее побить на поприщ•Ь
торговли, промышленности, а
это не легко. Въ 1857 году, во всей Русской Им-
npiH отправилось по почт•Ь 61 (Т писемъ, а
въ одной 410 съ
же и 502 (ТО. Эта разница подаетъ
110HHTie о живости и важности А'Ьлъ въ Велико-
Изв±тны стихи Шекспира въ РичаркЬ 11 мь
это тронь сни-
петръ острововъ, счалище Марса, Еденъ, полу-рай,
благословенное Эти стихи напоми-
• ) Mugquitos.
• • ) This royal throne of kings, this sceptcr'd isle,
Thi8 earth of majesty, thiB seat of Mars,
This other Eden, demi-paradise ;
ThiB fortress, built by nature for herself,
Against infection, and the hand of war ;
This happy breed 0f теп, this little world ;
This precious 8tone set in the Bilver sea,
Which serves it in the отсе of а wall,
Or ав а moat defensive to а house,
Against the envy of less happier lands ;
This blesset plot, this earth, this realm, this England,
This nurse, thi8 teeming womb of royal kings
Fear'd by their breed, and famous by their birth,
Renowned for their deeds as far from home,
(For Christian serviee, and true chivalry,)
As the sepulchre in stubborn Jewry.