Yf yow doo not redresse
Ве tyme this covitisnes,
Му hed 1 wolde даде.
Ther welbe grett out-rage,
Suche rage as never was sene
Ип апу old manes tyme.
Also, for this perplexslte,
Hlt were а dede of charite
То halpe them of ther pluryse
1bid., 11 (Ballads from Manuscripts., Ballad Soc., v. 1).
И) Rev. Fred. Will. Russell pkett's Rebellion fn NoHolkB, Lond., 1859,
рр. 48 seqq. Ballads from Manuscripts, v. 1, ed. by Fred. Furnivall (The
Ballad soc., 1868), р. 147.
и) Rev. F. W. Russell, 1. с., р. 1.
И) См., напр., Froude, 1. с., v. V, R У. Dixon, „History of the Church
of England“ (2-d ed.) Lond., 1893, v. lII, р. 57 и др.
ш) ,But shortlie after, the commons of Devonshira and Cornewall rose
by waie of reballion, demanding not onelie to have inclosures laied ореп,
and parkes dlsparked: but also thorogh the lnstlgation and pricEing forward
of certeine popish priests, ceased not by all sinister and subtill meanes,
first under Gods пате and the kings and under the colour 0f religion, to
persuade the реор1е to assemble in routs, to chwse capteins to guide them,
and finallie to burst out into ореп rebellion“. Holinshed's Chronicle,
new ed., 1586, р.
ш) Holinshed, рр. 1042—1054.
ит) ,For seven weeks the counties oi Norfolk, Suffolk, kent. lay at the
mercy of ап army of peasants: but during the whole time violence and
bloodshed were restrained: law and order, though of а rude fashion, were
enforced“. Сапоп Dlxon, 1. с., р. 81. Сравнивая возстан1е Уатта Тей-
лора съ революц1ей 1549 г., Тревел1анъ зам%чаетъ: „Jf the violence 0f
revolutionists ls а test of thelr condltion previous to the outbreak, the те-
bels of 81 stood half чау, in point 0f civilisation and well belng, between
their descendents of the Tudor period and the Jacques in the аде of Poi-
tiers•, „England in the Аде of Wycliffe“. by G. М. Trevellan, 3-d ed.
N.—Y., 10, р. 215.
Ы) „They associated this doctrinal reform with the other innovations
which had reduced them to their present extremity, and rebelled agalnst
it“. W. Cotton and the Henr. Woollcombe, Archdeacon of Ват-
staple .Gleanings from... Records relative to the history of... Exeterg.
Exeter, 1877, р. 48. Ср. также John Stow's ,Annals or Geneml Chron1cle
of England“ ed. 1615, р. 596.
40) „Waie to WealthB, Select Works of R. Crowley, р. 142.
'70) F. W. Russell, 1. с., р. 58.