Ut) Ср. И. Грей. вопросъ и земельная реформа“, М. 1906,

стр. 15—17.

Т) „А mite cast into Соттоп Treasurya... Ву Robert Coster (1649),

цитировано у Lewis Н. Berens „The Digger MovementZ, Lond.,

р. 127.

'п) ,Four Supplicationsa, рр. 79, 81.

»Acts of the Privy Council 0f England“, New Series, v. П (1547—

1550) Ed. ьу J. R. Dasent 1890), р. 295.

0) С. Р. Gooch, ,The History of English democratic ideu in the se-

venteenth century•, Cambr. Hist. Essays, К 10 (1898), р. 34, note.

Т) „Соттоп Wealk. р. lvil.

07) .It would be еду to exaggerate the lmportance 0f the little colony

of Diggers оп St. George's Hill. The greater number of them, beyond

doubt, had по other views than were соттоп to the Franconian and Пи-

ringian peasants of 156, ог those who followed the standard of ket in

1549. Оп the other hand it would Ье difficult to exaggerate the importance

of their spomman in the history of thought“. Gooch, 1. с., р.

...,our maister the landlorde, sha11 haue it all at his


His howsse and fer адаупе,

То таке thereof his atmost даупе;

For is wantage wilbe more,

Wlth shepe and catten it to store.

And not to plowgh his ground по more,

Except the fermer wyll arere

The rente hyer by а holle yere.

Yett must he haue а fyne, toe

The bargayne he тауе the (better) knowe;

Wishe maketh the market поч soe Derez.

, Vox Populi, Vox Del“, V11. „Ballads from Manuscriptsg, v.

р. 137. Ср. также выше, стр. О, прим“. 163 и т. п.

т) ,For this being reformed (т.е. если рента буцетъ понижена, си.

выше, прим. 161) аЬоие all other actes shall bryng the cloth of England

to а contynuall vent, and all vytellys to а resonable рНсе, that all clothys

of 0ther contryes shal stey, whereas Englyssh cloth shal соте ln place• .

BrinElow's Complaynt of Roderyck Mors (Е. Е. Т.

и) ,The lomey теп, what of ouree оссираНоп, and what of clothiers от

0ther accupations, beinge forced to Ье withoute worke, ате the most parte

0f these rude people that таКе theise uprores abroade". Соттоп Weai,

р. 18; ср. ibid., р. 15.

lbid., р. 47.

Т) Объ въ Лондонь, вызвавшихъ объявлвн!е тиъ воен-

наго см. Ch. Wrifthesley (Windsor Herald). „А chronicle of