Таковы эти важныцйа nocTaHoueHia регламента 1627/30

года; они представляютъ первую систематическую попытву ре-

гулировать двательвость сойта и установить надзора за исполне-

HieMb этихъ правилъ. Органами надзора авлаютса: дордъ-пред-

сјатель совђта, статсъ-севретарь и навонецъ вороль. Въ регла-

мевтђ содержитса nocT8B0BJeHie, въ силу вотораго требовалось,

чтобы и на бВднђйшихъ просителей (the poorest petitioners) со-

В'ђтъ обращалъ и не обреиеналъ ихъ продолжитель-

нымъ pa3cMo$HieM'b дЬъ 1). Это было виное

ибо до того времени, напр. въ 1авова 1, стороны,

вызванныа въ Лондонъ изъ по н±свольву не$ль

тщетно ожидали разбирательства Ола 3). Карлъ I внимательно

слвдилъ за порадвомъ дђлъ въ совЫ, предйдатель со-

Ата представлалъ 3) (хотя впрочемъ не охотно) ему еженефль-

the Counsell whose month it iB to wait always to be опе, and the

Clark that waited the month before to attend with him the frst week

at the leut, and the Clerk that is to wait the Month following to со-

те and give his attendance at least а week before bi8 waiting month

соте in, that во he тау acqoaint himselfe with the buesnesses depen-

ding, againBt the tymehis turne оотев to wayte and the Clarkes

extraordinarie not to соте in but when they ате oalled.

1) Upon the Petitions 0f suitors the Clarke of the Counsell wbo

then vaits shall set а note when they were exhibited and that the

Lords of the Counsell тау thereby вее how the suitors Btandin senio-

rity and aooordiog to that and other neoessity of ocoasion, they тау

be dispatohed, wherein respect is to be had to the poorest petitioners,

that they be not wearied out with over long attendance.

2) Пот. James 1, у. CXLVI, 68: Petition of Неп. Wray to

ViB0. Mandevill, President of the Council—has been attending daily

оп Council, ав summoned, for six weeks, but hB8 never Ъееп called

ироп to appear. Prays leave to return to his nrgent business at home.

3) Dom. Charles 1, Vol. LXVIII, 26. Lord Manchester (пред-

сјдатвдь соввта) to the king. According to the king's command has

sent anaooount of business sped in the Council this last week. Въ

другомъ совма (У. 70, f. 45): obe-

dience is better than sacrifce, he continues weekly report oommanded

by the king.