— 12
ные отчеты, а статсъ-севретарь обязанъ быль сообщать о лицахъ
непойщавшихъ вомитетовъ, и въ случа
%трехкратнаго 0TcyTcTBia подлежали изъ вомитета по
Высочайшему приказу (by His Majesty's order 1).
1) D. 8. Charles 1, nov. 7, 1630. Counoillora appoiated оп а Сот-
mithee, and being absent thrioe without suf10ient ехсиве, are be
put out of that Committee by HiB Majesty'8 order and he requires опе
0f the Secretariea to give him notioe of suoh default.