В.,А. W01ter, librarian of the
Slavonic. seetion of the Imperial Academy of
&ienee, undertook to prepare а handbook to
Ruuian” libraries. It тау be surprising to
leorn that ир to 10, Mr. Wolt,er,
reuived more or less incomplete replies to his.
civcutar from sik thousand libraries. There
are.indications that this fgure does not repre.
sent аи the libraries in Russia. Mr. Wolter
received по reply from and had little to дау
about а private library of eighty thousand
volumes belonging to Mr. О. V. Yudin, а Rus-
sian merchant located near krasnoiarsk, irv
Siberia. This collection is so remarkable, both
for it size and its quality, and is so little
knovn even in RlMa that а professional li-
brarian who had to spend а few days
втопд •its 'treasures feels justifed in brieRy
introducing it to the literary and the library
Mr. Y0din, the owner of the libmry, was
born in• 1840, in the province of Tobolsk, and
spenb most. of his life in Siberia, in and near
krasT0iarsk, the capital of the province of
Eai*k, Не has traveled extensively ia
Rta—,; hBs visited at various times of hi8 life