In forming his collection Mr. Yudin made

bibliography, history, and literature of Rus-

sia his specialties. His bibliographical col-

contains, besides tbe works of noted

Russian bibliographers (such Sopikov, Neu-

stroev, Guberti, Undolskii, Stroev, Mezhov,

Lambin), complete sets of all Russian period-

icals dovoted to bibliography, and а large

number of indices to Russian magazines and

society publications—indices difcult to obtain.

The excellence of the sections of the library

devoted to Russian history and literature сап

be easily accounted for by the rich biblio-

graphical equipment, and by Mr. Yudin's per•

sonal accomplishments as а bibliographer.

Mr. Yudin has given much attention to the

sources of Russian history. А prominent

place in the library is occupied by а complete

collection of Russian annals and full sets of

publications of Russian historical and

ological societies, as well ад of provincial ar-

and archeographical commissions,

whose object it is to collect and publish mate-

rials relating to the national history. Мапу

of these publications have been long out of