— 553

Jpu.WMHie Кб 5-му письму.

Lieut. colonel Taylor prescnts his cmnpliu:ents to lord Hervey

and begs to acquaint him that inmediately ироп receiving count

Woronzow's paper, the conunander in chief gave. (lircctions to the

adjutant general, to prepare the necessary returns and statenwnts

required. and requested 0f the master-general of the (-)rdnance to

furnish such infortnation as reIated to his departetnent. Wenn the

whele are coUected, they will be wit.h а letter frmn

His Royal Highness to count Woronzow. Lord Ilervey wil}


уес be a»vare that anlidst the arrangelnents which are daily от-

dered, апа the repeated changes wbich in consequencc take place

in thc establishlnellt.s 0f cvery part 0f the, artny,

it is ditficult to

ansv,er witlI апу degree of corrcctcess the •que•stions containe•l in

count Woronzow's paper.

Horscguards, july (5-th 1803.


Windsor, le 2.3 novembre 1805.

Monsieur le comte!

J'espbre qu'il est inutile que j'assuce. votre excel-

lence combien је lui suis reconnaissant, lorsqu'elle veut

bien m'01Trir l'occasion de. lui et,re ntile еп аисипе fa-

соп, et је m'empresse de pr6venir votre excellence que

la meilleure occasion de faire passer le cheval, dont

il est question dans la lettre qu•elle т'а adress($e le,

monsieur son fils, sera de le сопйет ших soins de