( 12 )

пть уже кь концу XIlIr•o Вка,) (MHBHieMb которому противор%чить,

каьљ свидВте.дьство Bracton'a о еще такъ называеиаго

villenagium purum, такъ и собранные Эдевомъ Факты касательно пе-

вода взъ рукъ въ руки въ сиу продажи не только земещ но и насе-

дяющихъ ихъ вииановъ еще вь первой половин% XlVro Вка), Амь

ве мейе я считаюсебя въ прай признать, кап на ocH0BaHia Фактовъ

приводимыхъ Homersham'0Mb Сох'омъ изъ cartulaires н%которыхъ

йомВстЈй XIIIro в%ка, такъ и на доставляемыхъ

протокоиами naTpHM0HiaAbHblxb судовъ въ Эдуардовъ, что по-

I0&Bie большинства виллановъ въ это время приближалось кь подоже-

русскихъ крестьянъ, посменныхъ на пойщичьихъ земдяхъ въ

времени, непосредственно

Другими славами, въ большинств•Ь аристократш

и джентри, какь pa3MtpbI предоставляемаго вилланамъ права пользова-

Hia, тап и разм%ры требуемыхъ сь нихъ натуральныхъ повинностей,

Anything like the extreme theory of villenage was, ат convinced,

extinct before the close of the 13th century.... In тапу thousand

bailifs' accounts I have never found а trace of апу transfer of villeins,

ог even their services to tbird parties.” (Thorold Rogers, т. 1., стр.

70, 71.

Chalmers infers, говорить Eden, that 8laves had happily departed

from the land before the reign of Непту ; because the Great

Charter of 1225, ia mentioning how теп of all sortB should be

amerced, only takes notice '0f ceorls, barons, churchmen, mercbants,

freemen and villeins.

In both Мадпа Charta and the Cbarters of

Непту III., obtained in 1225, а class of теи аге mentioned who appear

to have been considered in the light of moveable property. The prohibition

to guardians. from wasting the шеп or cattle оп the estates of minors, is

а clear proof that villeins, who held by servile tenures, were looked

ироп in the light of uegroes оп а riee, а tobmcco, or а sugar plantation

(Bracton, 1 i. с. 9 quandocunque placuerit, auferre poterit а villaao вио

waynagium виит et omnia bona виа). Long after the year 1225 they

were considered ав а saleable commodity, of which I shall only mention

а few instances, from тапу that тау be found атопд our aneient

historians. In 1283 а slave and hiB family were B01d by tbe Abbot

of Dunstable for 138. 4d. ; in 1333 а lord granted to а chantry several

messuages togebher with the bodies of eigbt natives, (villeins regardant),

dwelling there, with all their chatte18 and ofspring, and in 1339 we

meet with ап instance of а gift of а nief (or female slave) with all her

family and all that Bhe possessed, ог E.night subsequently acquire: as