— 92 —
manque аисип de nos spectacles, il s'y plait; il va та Сот-
типаи[ё les dimanches aprbs dinb (lorsqu'il esl permis d'y
entrer) pendant deux heures роит voir danser les demoisel-
les. —ll у а ипе trbs-gcande salle dans laquelle оп а plac6
ип double тапд de balustrades, et c'est l'unique occasion que
les parents ont de voir nos demoiselles, auxquelles il n'est
point permis de sortir de douze ans de la maison.
Travels into Poland, Russia etc. Ву Willian Сохе.
London. 1784.
Vol. Il. Chapter the VI-th, раде 158.
We were present at а representalion and were greatly
entertained wilh [he performance. The theatre is ап elegant
circular room neatly painted wilh trees in the form of а land-
scape. The pieces were «La Servante Maitresse «and» l'Ora-
с]е», [he first performed by уоипд ladies of about 16 от 17
years 0f аде, and the last by those of about 10 от 12. Both
parties acted with spirit and displayed а great propriety
both in their gesture and elocttion. I was greatly astonished
at [he surprising purity with which they pronounced the
french tangue.
About twelve а collation was served ироп several tables,
at which parties promiscuously ranged themselves. As was
walking about the тоот, опе of the уоипд ladics, observing
а foreigner unprovided with а seat, quitted [he table where
she was sitting, and politely invited те to таке опе 0f the
сотрапу, ап invitation immediately accepted.