Duke Georgii Mikhailovich оп numismatics.

Russian genealogy and biography also have

due р1асе in Mr. Yudin's collection, which

атопд other things contains the scarce 0b-

shchii gerbovnik.” The library is strong in

subjects relating to history, such as the

Russian oldbelievers and otber dissenters,

social classes, ethnoxraphy, Russian antiqui-

ties, and Russian political institutions. Mr.

Yudin has not overlooked the value of local

history, and the amount of valuable material

dealing with various sections of the va.st ет-

pire inspires опе with а well merited admira-

tion for the collector. Proper врасе is given

in the libraryto Russian travel and descrip-

tion. The works of all the prominent Russian

travelers are оп the shelves of the library, ад

is а set of publications of the Imperial Russian

geographical society. Атопд the sciences

auxiliary to history, Russian legislation is

represented by а complete set of the Russian

Code, with all its most recent editions. This

original depository of laws serves as а basis

for а rich collection of theoretical and histor-

ical works оп Russian legislation.