Gorkii, and not а few ot.hers Btand оп the

shelves of the library in the ordinary ав well

as in the best and every way notable editions.

The literature of the nineteenth century is

especially well represented. The literary his.

tory and criticism in the library is in keeping

with the collection of texts, and would do credit

а library of апу higher institution of learn-

ing. Passing from volume to volume, from

shelf to shelf, from опе bookcase to another,

опе is deeply impressed by tbe scholarly taste

of this Russian collector, and by his thorough

familiarity with the literature of his country.

0nly ап untiring energy like his could fnd

and bring the treasures of Russian genius and

scholarship to the wilds of Eastern Siberia,

separated from St. Petersburg in the good old

days by а journey which lasted not less than

two months.

There are in the Yudin collection more than

sixty sets of literary and historical magazines,

which in themselves form а library of aboub

six thousand volumes. The sets соттепсе

with the beginning of current literature in

Russia—the second half of the eighteenth сеп-

tury. We find атопд them The Infernal mail