(1779, р]. 9), The Irtysh, the frst magazine

published in Siberia, exceedingly rare (1789,

pl. 10). Mr. Yudin owns опе of the fourteen

known copies of Radishchev's Journey from

St. Petersburg to Moscow (17Щ pl. 11), which

incurred the displeasure of Catherine П ; the

author was exiled to Siberia and his book de-

stroyed. Mr. Yudin also has а сору of the

exceedingly rare ” Divine and true metaphys-

iB ” of Pordage, translated into Russian and

privately printed by the Moscow Мавопв in

the second half of the eighteenth century.

From Mr. Yudin the Imperial Russian acad-

ету of science borrowed, for а пеп edition of

Lomonosov's works, а сору of the latter's idyl,

Polydore, dedicated to Count К. О. Razu•


—the only сору known.

There are not а few interesting and rare

books of the ninet.eenth century in the library.

With these тау be classed Instructions for

cavalry service, by Bismarck, father of the

Iron Chancellor (Warsaw, 18Ш pl. 12), а

collection of portrait8 of Lovers of Russian

antiquities” (1880, pl. 13), M6moire sur l'em-

ploi du nickel, of which only two copies were