issued (1887, р1. 14), The Dissenter monastery
of St. Nicholas (50 copies privately printed,
1896), Travels of the to the Far
East (1897, pl. 15), books of the coronations
of Russian sovereigns (Alexander II, а superb
volume; Alexander III, Nicholas II), The
Byzantine enamels of Zvenigorodskii (1889,
pl. 16—18). 0f Zvenigorodskii's book there
were six hundred copies private1y printed in
Russian, French, and German—two hundred
copies in each—the sumptuous work costing
опе hundred and twenty thousand rublu.
Ав опе might ехр* Mr. Yudin's
abounds in books relating Siberia, its de.
scription, history, archzology, and ethnology.
The fact that доте members of Mr. Yudin's
ЬтТу are interested in gold•mining and pho•
tography acwunts for тапу items along these
lines. Though по attention has
paid Впе arbs, the library contains а very
creditable amount of material dealing with
Russian art, тапу rare engravings, and а
wmplete set of publications of D. А. Rovin.
Bkii оп Russian art, probably the most тт.
pleb веЬ in ех"псе.