The portion of the library devoted to Ru-

Eian literature was built, like the history

tion, with а view to answering every demand

of the student and scholar. The library iB

well equipped with material representing the

early stages of literary awakening under the

inRuence of Byzantium, with its annals, ser-

mons, collections, epistles, travels the Holy

Land and the East, and apocrypha. It iB

qually rich in literature picturing the Wat-

ern European awakening, which from

the accusion of the Romanovs, and

0f Peter the Great and his stmessors—an

awakening which brought Во full life the

Russian literary genius in the

Complete sets of the works 0f

kantemir, Trediakovskii, Lomonosov, Cath-

erine 11, Novikov, Derzhavin, Sumarokov,

karamzin, Zhukovskii, krylov,

Pusbkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Belinskii, адов-

kin, LaztMlnikov, Dahl, Pisemskii, Nekra-

sov, koltsov, Goncharov, Aksakov, Tolstoi,

Turgenev, Grigorovich, Dostoevskii, Shche.

drin, 0stronkii, Pomialovskii,

Garshin, Zla-

kratovskii, korolenko, Chehov,