tisfactory evidence of the fact, that fact so highly desirable for

the beneft of the Russiau Ernpror, and таке report to те.

Now, for а short account of him in justifcation of, 1

should have said by way of apology for the liberty ат thus

taking with уои оп his In the state of Columbia, in late

Spanish Атенса, in the military line he is атопд the heroes

who have had попе above them but Bolivar; in the civil line,

under presidency, he has been vice president, but.

in сотрапу with your humble servant, having fallen into the

disgrace of the Arch Hero, has been made to share the same

fate, exNled from his country, as well as that work

of mine, which had the honour of reciving (so was told) two

diferent translations into the language of yours. General San-

turder (so hear from himself a.s also from other quarters)

general Santurder when in отсе, did what depended оп him

towards the difusion of ту work throughout the territory,

of the state of which he was so distinguished and inHuencial

а member; and such was the part if апу, which, till the other

day, also taken in relation to them by Bolivar. But, if

late Bolivar (as is so natural to тап and woman in а greater от

less degree, unavoidable) has been spoilt by power, and, having

for so тапу years, deserved so well, his assumed title of Li-

berator, is now (alas!) Ьесюте the Tyrant, of bis country. At

опе time, he and had something of а correspondence, and,

in consequence of а recommendation from те, he had raised to

а colonelcy, а talented тап of the пате of Hall, ап English-

тап, who had been Lieutenant in the English service. But

in the course of the opposition made to him Bolivar from

various quarters, some person от other had made referenca

to some опе от other of ту works, and such was the

cause, for which, under know not what penalties, he

thought ft, the other day, to issue ап edict, having for its de-

clared object the preventing every опе of them from being read

by апу b0(ly. This is what I Hatter myself will not be quite

so easy to efect a.s to ordain; for have from а bookseller's