— 29 —
и торговые караваны и по настоящее время 53). Кром% двухъ упо-
мянутыхъ сквозныхъ путей, пронизывающихъ горы съ ипада на во-
стокъ, на югъ и существовалъ еще сквозной дре-
путь, западъ ея востокомъ; пролегалъ онъ
широкою долиною Каратегина и дал•Ье долиною Алая проникалъ въ
Туркхтанъ н).
ы) Смотр. BreBchneider; 0f the Mediaeval geography and history etc.
О Бадакшан% р. 170, также С. Imbau1t-Huart, Ru. de Doc. etc. Leroux 1881;
о Китайцевъ съ Бадакшаномъ въ 1759 и Ю год. стр. 195 и сл•Ьп.
О путяхъ въ этихъ краяхъ смотри: Бартольдъ. Истор. Геогр. Общ.
Ир., стр. 16, 17.—Пути между Афганистаномъ и Holdich, India; рр. 74,
75, 79, 84, иа стр. 85 fig. 27 карт. маршрутовъ черзъ западн. Гиндукушъ стр.
И, пер. kaoshan и сл%д.; стр. it seems excedingly probable that the roads
and passa of Badakhshan and the kabul basin were better known to the
donians in the year Ь. С. (before Alexander's advent) than they areto the Еп-
glish Department in the year 10.
по поводу переваловъ въ смотр. Stein—Ancient khotan two vol. Ох-
ford 1Ю7. 1 vol., рр. 14, 15 н прим%ч. О путяхъ между Ваханомъ и
Сарыколокъ черезъ Памиръ смотр. Stein рр. 22 по 33.
Bretschneider; Noti= of the Mediaeval geography and history of central and
watern Asia etc. London, 1876., р. 169 S 148. Ап important trade route passes
by Badakhshan crossing the high mountain chain of Bolor-Tagh, (the Ts'ung-ling
or onion mountains of the ancient chinese geographers), eastern Turhi-
stan with the countries situated in the 0xus. Goes оп his journey from lndia to
China in the beginning 0f the 17 followed this route which in the middle
ада sems to have 0f much than it is now. М. P010 also
when proceeding from western Asia tO China crossed the country of Badakhshan
(the ЪооК of Marco Polo by col. Yule). D'Ohsson (t. 1, р. 272) quotes ап Arabic.
geographical diction in which it is stated that the trade route from Persia to Ti•
bet pasws through Badakhshan.
СвидЬт. о дувности этихъ путей смотри: Memoira Historiques de Ts'ien
trad. Ed. Chavannes. Paris. Leroux, 1895., t. 1., ch. Н, рр. LXXlI, LXXIll.
и) Stein ор. cit, vol. , р. 54, по поводу этого пути, пролегающаго черезъ Карате-
гинь Stein говорить: to Ptolemy's exprs statement, Marinus gathered his
geographical data about the landbf the Seres from the account given by а
donian merchant «called also Titianus» who had sent agents into the The
route 0f the* agents, which we тау safely assume to have Ьеп а caravan road
in frequent изе for the silk-trade from China into the Parthian Empire, from-
Hierapolis оп the through Hekatompylos Areia and Margiana (Merv)
to Baktra. From there the route passed first northward to the mountain district 0f
the komedi, and then along it to the south-east «as far as the ravine that opens
into the plain country». ln this ravine the traveller had to ascend for 50 schWli
northward when he arrives at the stone tower, after which the mountains ruede
to the east and unite with lmaus, the range that runs ир to the north from
Palimbothra. «Another pasage of Ptolemy to the east of the stone tower,
and in the axis 0f Mount lmaus itself, the staation от Sarai»... traders
start оп their journey to Sera.
1t is the joint merit of sir Н. Yule and sir Н. Rawlinson to have demonstra-