— 38 —
между прочимъ, воевали противь Китайцевъ въ союз± съ Арабами),
Кара-Китайцы 91) (1125—1208 гг. пор. Х.)и
племена, Калмакъ, Ойратъ 92) (Eleuths) и, наконецъ, сами Монголы съ
Чингизъ-ханомъ во главв (въ 1218 г. по Р. Х.). Во времена Тюрокъ-
Карлуковъ ихъ вождь Satok Boghra khan вскор% посп% 941 г. по Р. Х.
принялъ Мохаммеданство, ч%мъ прославился въ мвстныхъ народ-
ныхъ которыя считаютъ его распространителемъ Мохам-
меданства въ Восточномъ Туркестан% 93). До этого времени процв±-
тали зд%сь Буддизмъ Зороастра 9 г) и отчасти
91) Stein ор., cit., р. Е.
п) Ibid. р. 146.,
93) Dutreuil de Rhins. Miss. Scient. Dans la Haute Asie. Paris, Leroux. 1898.
IIl part., р. 41; также Stein ор. cit, р. 65 и прим±ч.
м) О времени Буддизма въ Хота“, смотри Stein ор. cit., р. 164; въ
Кашгар%, в•Ьроятно, въ 1Т г. по Р. Хр. (р. Въ Хотан%, вьроятно, Тюрки и ну-
сульманство водворились около 971 г. по Р. Хр. О Тюрокъ Карлу-
ковъ смотри Ed. Chav. Doc. etC.. рр. 85—86 et not.
95) Stein ор. cit., р. въ Кашгар•Ь; въ Кита%, р. 71; въ Хо%ганъ, р. 172.
х) It •is that the extension under the T'angs of Chine“ power westwards
(Stein ор. cit.. рр. 71, 72, 87) not only benefited intercourse with the Indian home
of Buddhism and its old seats in Asia but also facilitated the spread into
China 0f other religions from the west. Both Christianity and the Zoroastrian cult
simultaneously profited by this opening for misionary entrepri% We know that in
621 а. d. the first fire-temple was erected at Ch'ang-an ten years later the cult
0f the «God», i. е. 0f 0rmazd, was preached in the Empire by the Magian
Но-1и. The famous inscription of Hsi-an-pu, the old Ch'ang-an, attests the arival
0f the first Nestorian missionary A-lo-pen in 635 (а. d.), with sacred books and images,
and the official approval of the doctrine preached by him in 638 Ьу ап Imperial
It also shows that at the time when it was inscribed (781 а. d.) the of the
Nestorian communities under the Bishop and Роре of Tzinisthan (China) with the
Patriarchal 0f their Church, in distant Per•sia, was still maintaned. 1t be
doubted that Eastern Turkestan was the route by which these first propagan-
dists and their clerical successors reached China; and it is а significant fact that the
last nomination 0f а Nestorian Metropolitan 0f China, by the Patriarch Timotheus
(778—80 а. а.) coincides with the priod when that region was finally lost to the
T'angs. lt is only reasonable to assume that the territory through which Nestorian
Christianity and Zoroastrianism had been transmitted to China it self posesed сот-
munities attached to those religions. But at pr—nt direct is available only
as regards the latter... Neither histoncal records nor antiquarian remains have as
yet соте to light to illustrale the early spread 0f Christiamty in the Tarim Basin,
previous to the conquest of this region by 1slam. But by the middle of the thirteenth
we find kashgar.... mentioned in the list of the Metropolitan sees of the
Nestorian Church. Also Marco Polo when passing here оп his way to China (circ.
1273—1274 а. d.) notes of «Ссип that there are in the country тапу Nestorian
Christians, who have churches of their own. ln Yarkand too he found ktorian and,
Jacoblte Christians. Т%сныя связи между Кашгаромъ и Астностью около Токмака
и Пишпека западнъе озера Иссыкъ-куль, найдены гробницы (отъ