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На язык%.
Bowker, Principles and law 0f copyright. New-Iork, 1886.
. Drone, Law 0f copyright and playright, Boston, 1878.
Copinger, Law of copyright, London, 1879.
Cut1er, Smith а. Weather1y, Law of Musioal and Dramatic
copyright. Revised ed. London. 1892.
Holcombe, International copyright. Philadelphia, 1890.
Iorrold, Engliscli апа Foreign copyright in Literary and Dramatic
Works, London, 1881,
Puntnam, Summary of the copyright laws at present in force
the chief countries 0f the world. New-Iork. 1891.
Scrutton, Law of copyright. London, 1891.
Winslow, Law 0f hrtistic copyright in Paintings, DrawingS, Ph0•
tographs, Engravings, Soulpture and Designs, London, 1889'