means of going and returning, was denied оп the strength of

new rules and regulations with which 1 ат not acquainted, and

which, have reason to think, аге enforc,ed only aganist su-

bordinates, like myself, having по SIMial protection at home:

so that have notbing to console те for the sorrow and тог-

tifcation of such disappointment, but the consciousness of

forming ту duties, as а faithful and loyal subject, by patient

resignation & unrepining submission. Thus must perforce sutk-

titute now the реп for the word of mouth, with which fond

hope had so cruelly nattered and beguiled те.

The trifing expenses of the few tracts and pamphlets for-

warded by те are not worth mentioning; more exIEially as

the proft ofexchange has been entirely in ту favour, furnishing

а suflcient apology for ту not complying, in this particular

instance with your injunctions, which 8t all times to obey and

execute is to те а source of great pleasure and gratifcation.

With respect to Тетрегапсе societies, their discourses and

doings in general, do not think them deserving а transla-

tion от adoption. There is in them so much hypocrisy, false-

hood, and party aim at bottom, that «humbug» .is the most

appropriate term by which they ought to be and are now депе-

rally designated. D-rs Pubin Edwards, like D-r keese and id

genus отпе concerned and fguring in this farce, ате апу thing

but what they pretend to be; and although they тау talk

like saints, their motives and real objects ате all merged in

the selfshness of private, political, professional sectarian, от

party aggrandisement. They ате now well understood here, and,

as regards the leaders, there is scarcely а honest тап атопд

them, some of the most notorious by their zeal and clamour,

being the very persons who have made their fortunes by dis-

tilleries and importations 0f foreign spirits! Тетрегапсе м)-

cieties ате but disguised branches of other secret societies

working in the dark for the acquisition of exclusive infuence

and power, destined sooner от later to сите mankind of the

mania of republicanism, and so far only, in relation to this до-