the тоге anxious to be correctly informul ироп this point, as

the american law, regulating patent prices, proceeds оп t.he

principle of reciprocity with respect to aliens; so much so that

а british subject is charged 500 dollars, the amount exacted

by his government, while oll others аге charged 300 dollars,

presuming this to be the general amount paid in their respec-

tive countries; it is manifest, therefore, that should the charges

in Russia be less than 300 dollars, and, if recollect right, they

аге по тоте than 1 50 dollars, а russian subject is entitled to

а deduction ofone half, and, it is probable, might obtain it by

а proper application to longness.

Homeopathia is оп the advance here, in spit,e of the bitter

hostility and organized opposition of the old school. Allentown

«Homeopathic Academy», in the state of Pensylvania, presided

over by D-r Constantine Herring, the Hahneman of America,

to whom the science is so much indebdet for the discovery

and application 0f serpent poisons, is doing and has dOne much

already to enlighten the public ироп the new system, and to

vindicate its surwriority in every respect over all others that

preceded it.

Meanwhile, have the pleasure to inform уои, that the

experiments of which had apprized уои some time адо, as

conducted by D-r Granger of this city with ту advice and раг-

ticipation, have been signally and completely successful, withont

а solitary failure amounting to а positive exception. From рат-

ticular reasons, connected with the doctor personal interests and

local relations, he will not таке апу disclosures to the Ате-

Асап public for some time to соте; but he is quite willing

that should communicate to уои all I тау know, and through

уои to the learned and experienwd homeopathists of Europe,

for the purposes of further experiments and investigation.

With this view will now state briefy some 0f the cures

performed by the new which, for its effcacy and

promptitude, is distinguished by а preeminence above all сот-
