0f poisons, whether mineral, animal от vegetable, tbere
are юте, атопд which тау be clas.sed those of hydrophobia,
syphilis, and, prhaps the plague, that have their own indepn-
dent source of existence and power of action; while other•s,
like those of scarlatina, ипсег, neasles and small рх, are
seem to engendered in the body or, like the itch ud
scrofula, favoured by particular individual constitutions. - If so.
what is there irrational ог inadmissible in the obvious Мис-
tion that the former might be administered with safety to ап
patients in соттоп, while the latter should only given to
those wbose bodies originally furnished them, in order to avoa
all danger of inoculating them with some other psori: matter,
as is often tbe c,ase with the vac,cine, taken from опе
and communicated to another?
Is it quite certain, as assamed above, that scarlatina, тањ,
small рох, cancer, itch scrofuia аге not of the family
pisons which enter the Ыу from without, but ате real]y депе-
mted within it, and by its own incidental от predispsing action
brought forth to sight in their fearful and lothsome maturity?
1)оњ the С8е of сапсет in the womb, стМ by its
own virus, indicate ап exception to the сиге of internals by
externals, laid down in the frst от is it, from its
peculiar nature and local adhessiveness, to be considered, whe-
rever seated, as always acting оп and through some partial sur-
fue, relative to the rest of the
If and experience should decide favour of the latter
supposition, тау not such decision extend to pulmonary tuber-
cles and ulceraions?
The foregoing furnish ап ample stock for inquiry and ореп
а new field, a.t опсе fertile and extensive, fot• scientiic specula-
tion. Let but теп, well disposed and properly qualifed, embark
in the inviting pursuit, and, at по distant time, their labours
are likely to be rewarded by soe grud discovery, which, by
constituting every опе his own best physician, will 0lieve
mankind, at опсе and forever, from the thrald0T