performs her work, if not with more certitude, certainly with

greater celerity; and it is quite clear that self-curing remedies

of the опе, are scarcely less superior to the similia 0f the

other than these are again superior to those of allopathia,

with this distinction, that to the last of the three only belongs

the trade of killing by mistake, wilfulness от ignorance.

The starting position of Ssopathia, the only опе as yet

which тау be assumed as tenable and already fxed, is that all

diseases from poisons that enter the body through the skin,

by the bit,e, incision or. inoculation, are cured by those same

poisons given internally in homeopathic doses.

At the very frst outset from this point there will be

problems to encounter and to dispose of, like the following:

If the frst position be true, will it stand the test of being

reversed, and, in the absence of а trial, which is yet to be

made, is it likely that poisons taken internally, so as not to

destray life immediately, but to produce slow consuming di•

seases, will сиге such diseases, when artifcially introduced

through the surface?

If there be also poisons which fnd their way into the

interiour through the pores, the nose, or inspiration of the

lungs, are they within the rule of self-cure laid down in the

frst position?

If the homeopathic doctrine be true, that all medecines,

inasmuch as they disturb the healthy natural functions of the

body, are тоте or less poisons; and that the cause of every

disea.se, not strictly surgical от caused by ext,ernal violence, is

s6me specifc poison, which in some way от other has found

entrance into the human frame; what is there to prevent the

successful application of that same rule of сите to all diseases


In апу case are such poisons always to be taken from the

patient and administered as medecines to himself alone, or, опсе

prepared, to be indiscriminately given to all others, as occasion

тау require?