underwent а long tedious allopathic treatment of mercury for
syphilis,• with по other efect than to таке him worse and
lighten his pocket of some 60 or 70 dollars. D-r Granger
to whom he was fortunately persuaded to apply, fnding the
case to be the commencement of «lues venerea», had instant
recourse to the virus itself, and, miraculous as it тау appear,
the patient was well, the •Doctor dismissed, and his bill paid
exactly in ffteen days — the whole cost of сиге being just
15 dollars, опе dollar а visit рет day. This is only опе case
of the тапу where the same disea.se in its various stayes
was cured in the same manner and with t,he like promp-
titlAe, without salivation от апу serious inconveniency to the
In scarlet fevers D-r Granger has long адо given ир
Belladonna, and substituted the virus of scarlatina itself, the
efects of which аге so sure and prompt, t.hat, while• failure
seems impossible, the сиге is completed within half the time,
required for Belladonna, when the latter is succ.essful.
Lastly, the doctor himself, afHicted with hereditary scro-
fula, by scrofula alone, taken from his own body, has been
enabled to subdue this formidable ofensive disease, which, till
then, resisted all homeopathie and other remedies, and often by
its vnsightly manisfestations prevented the doctor's quitting
his chamber and exposing to the public his inability to cure
Reasoning from analogy the doctor and myself ате convinced
that the true infallible SIMifc against hydrophobia is its own
virus; and the following experiment the only опе that has
been aforded to us, leaves scarcely а doubt ироп the subject.
Under the title of hydrophobine, D-r Herring pharmacy contains
а homeopathic preparation of this virus, тоте as а thing of
curiosity than of use, its curative properties being unknown,
and therefore not indicated. The presence of the genuine virus
was distinctly manifested by the efects of теге smell ироп the
nerves and throat; and accordingly, а уоипд dog was inoculated