А respectable family of this city, consisting of а mother,

nurse, and three children, became infected with the «putrid itch»

(гнилая чесотка) and, after successive failures of all knowu

and approved homeopathic as well as allopathic тете(1Ж

at length completely cured by а few doses of the purulent

matter itself, taken by D-r Granger from опе of the children,

and administered in the 20-th dilution.

А child seven years old, aTicted with «Plica Polonica»

(the scald head), when по other resource was left,

dily and efectually cured by the scalding matter, taken in the

same шаппег from the head, and reduced to homeopathic (стру-

повый гной) doses.

In several (always dangerous) of small рах in adults,

the сиге, when all hope was допе; wa.s efected in а few hours

by the virus taken from the patient and homeopathically admi-

nistered. NB. This wa.s done long before the same thing was

done with• equal success in Еигоре, so that we аге fairly entit.l«i

to the claim of priority in the matter. 0ur espec.ial wonder

is, that european homeopathists, after making this frst stnp,

and going so far as to look for ап antidote to the Egyptian

Plaque in the plaque itself, should have paused there, and

advanced по farther! We likewise claim the credit of having

illustrated the immutable truth of homeopathia by а ргосы,

оп which, по other homeopathist, as far as we know, has yet

tmn bold enough to venture. А middle aged lady, struck

with apoplexy, was in а few minutes revived and cured, so

as to ward of all danger of relapse, by the application of ice

to the feet and warm water to the head, to the infnite terror

of the nurse and relatives in attendance! The suggestion was

mine; but the honour of acting ир to it with such undaunted

courage and resolution belongs exclusively to the doctor.

А сапсет in the womb was in the same way radic,ally

cured with the prurient matter issuing from it, and reduced

to homeopathic doses.

А highly respectable individual, personally knowu to те.