ignorance, Bantig .histry, scholzstic bigotry, mysterious
absurdities, and destructive prejudices, charactrizing the те-
dical dynasty of the present аде.
March 1
Р. S. In reference to the dog which we inoculated, and
which escaped the infection evidently by а self-counteraction
from within, we were not permitted to proceed апу farther
by the people of the house, who, eitber from sympathy or
excessive fears for themselves, removed secretely the animal
out of our reach and held obstinately against all attempts to
rgrrew the experiment.
N. В. The news has just reached ns that 0rfIa, celebrated
italian chemist and physician, had made the and de-
monstrated its truth before the academy of M)ience, that arse-
nic not destroy life by апу chemical action the coat
of the stomach, as is generally believed, but by its absorption
into the bbod itself. If so, and I think his experiments are
conclusive, what becomes 0f the pst mortem medicaI examtna-
tions, detecttng arsenic in the stomach 0f а tH)dy that ns
disea.sed and lay burried for weeks before?
What becomes of the validity of the testimony, thus
ostentationsly given, оп which several persons in this and in
other places, have been condemned and executed for the suppo-
sed murder! Trnly does «the healing art» it пот predo-
minates is «the art of killing»!
Вилламовъ гр. Мордвинову.
Препротждая при семь рескрипть госудц)ыни
императрицы въ отв%ть на чмпен\е пшего отъ
11-го марта, долгомъ васъ увЫмить, что