with it оп the inside of опе ofhis hind legs, and was secured
in а rmition not to interrupt the process of absorption. Ву
some means he got loose, and licked ир а considerable portion
of powder which remained аЕюи[ the puncture, and thus њсаре«1
the infection altogether.
[he Doctor thinks that even consumptions in their last
stages тау be cured, that is, if they сап be at 811, by
matter expectorated from the lungs, the right particle
of this matter is selected, which is the only difculty that
stands in the way 0f tri81.
For ту part, know not why ап antidote to every di-
should not always be found in the disease itself, in its
own virus concentrated and deposited in some vital part 0f
the bbdy, for instance blood, so to admit of extractH1
and converted into а medecine. The notion is certainly тоге
c,onsistent with the just administration of Providence, which
sends по aTictions without the corresponding means of relief,
overlooked through our own conceit and ignorance.
Ве it it тау, the facts, which have carried те so far,
must, if fairly established, have the like operation оп the
minds of others, and, in truth, resolve themselves into а тете
question of veracity; for which rea.son solemnly declare, that
what I have stated facts, is within ту personal knowlege,
and that оп ту responsibility, if уои deem it sufcient, уои
тау freely аппоипсе them for the beneft of farther search ud
by теп 0f science, who опсе the track, will
not leave it untill they have explored all the hidden rwes—
to which it Ieads and arrivul at the ultimatum of all that is
desirable and benefcient in «the healing art».
Ssopathia, а пате already given, believe, t,o such cures
a.s have detailed, is emphatically the child of homeopathia
and seems to carry the designs of the mother into execution,
where the latter ceasos her energy of action, but still directs
and upholds the other оп her course with maternal aid and advice
which сап in nowise be dispensed with. The daughter, however,