
Списокъ съ секретной Грамоты или иисьма Ајгл1йской Королевы, ЕЛИО"е-

ты, кь Русскому царю, Ивану Грозному, 1570 года. •

Elizabeth by the graec of God Queen of England, France

and Iceland, Defender of Faith etc. То the most inighty puis-

sant Prince, our dear brother, Great Lord, Етретот of all Russia

etc., greeting, health and реасе in оиг Lord Jesus Chtist. Where

have by otherg оиг letters delivered to Your Highness 'Ambassado•ur,

the noble person Andrew Regowiwiska Sawena, made answer

to the greatest part of such messages and as the . said

Ambassadour declared and brought to Уои, •re have thougHt gobd

in some certain manners to send Youi• Highness for а inanifest

and certain tokenof our good will to Your Highness eState and

sure1y, his оиг secret letter, whereunto попе •at•e peivy, besides

ourself, but оиг most secret counsell. We do so regaed the sutety

ог Уои, the Emperor and Great Duke, as we ofer that, it ht some

time in some shape of Your Lordship, our Bcother Emperor 'difd

Great Duke, be by апу casual chance, either 0f sectet cbnspitacy,

от outward hostility driven [о charge the countries ahd shA'l'l :tike

to repair into оиг kingdom and dominions, with th0 noblb «Ет-

press, your wife, and уоиг -dear children, the PrindEs, tve shall With

such honor and courtesy receive and entTeat Hightiess•

as shall Ьесоте so Great а PTince, and shdil brnestlY•

to таКе all things fall out accotding to Уоиг Majesty'S desire tO

the li•ee and quiet breeding of Уои Highne±s life wn hll 'НЬ?е•,

wherein Уои shall bring with Уои. Апа therein tnay bb for

Уои, the Emperor and Great Пике, to use Уоит Christian religiori in

such sort, as it shall like Уои, for neithet' теап Wb tO a•ttempt

anything to ofend either Your Majesty, от апу 0'f Y0tr p@bblb, пот

intermeddle апу ways with Уоит Highness faith апа religibn•, пот

yet to sever Уоиг Highness household from Уои, to sufbr' апу

от Yours to be taken from Уои by violence. Besides we shdll арро-

• Cott. Mss. Nero В. П, art. 100, fol. 341.