двтей Рефа и боле 25 человмъ погибло въ нашемъ погреб%, въ ко-

торомъ, кь уц1;лли, однако, Рефъ, его жена, Джонъ Бро-

унъ и Джонъ Кларкъ. Туда же пришли было еще мистеръ Гло-

уеръь и мистеръ Роули; но такъ какъ жарь быль слишкомъ ве-

ликъ, то они поспеЬшили изъ него вонь съ большою опасностью,

такъ что одинъ малый у ихъ пять быль захваченъ огнемъ, и они

съ закрытыми глазами въ другой погребъ, гд•Ь, благодаря

Бога, и спаслись. Царь 6'Вжадъ съ подя, и изъ его народа

были уведены Крымскими Татарами: молодыхъ и старыхъ они не

трогали и бросили ихъ однихъ; такимъ образомъ Крымцы воз-

вратились во свояси съ чрезвычайной добычей и безчисденнымъ

множествомъ пшьнныхъ. Съ одной стороны Крымцы, а съ другой не-

истовость Царя, погубиш много .аюдей, такъ что народа уцгЁл%ло

мало. Мое вашей супругеЬ, мистрисъ Лень, также мистеру

Локу и ВС'ЁИЪ нашимъ друзьямъ.

Располагайте вашимъ

Ричардомъ Ускомби.

• А letter от Richard Uscomby to М. Henrie Lane, touching the burning от

the Citie от Mosco Ьу the Crimme Tartar, written in Rose Island the 5 day of

August 1571.

Magter Lane! 1 haue те commended unto уои. The 27 of IuIy arriued here

with the Magdalene, and the зате day and houre did [he Swa10w and Нату

arriue here also. At our comming found master Proctor here, by whow wee

understand very heauie newes. Т Пе Mosco is burnt euerie sticke by [he Crimme

the 24 day от Мау last, апа ап inuumerable питЬет от people: and in the Еп-

glish house was smothered Thomas Southam, Tofild, Wauerley, Greenes wife

and children, two •hildren от Rafe, et тоге th0 the питЬег от 25 persons were

stifeled in оиг Веете seller; апа yet in the вате seller was Rafe, his wife, 10hn

Вгонпе, and 10hn Clarke preserued, which was wonderfull. Апа there went into

that seller master Glouer and master Rowley also: but because the heate was до

great, they сате foorth againe with much perilI, so that а Ьоу their heeles

was taken with the fire, yet they escaped bIindfold into another sener, and there

ав God will was, they were preserued. The Emperour fled out of the field, and

тапу от his реор1е were caried away bay the Crimme Tartar: to wit, all the

уопд people, the old they would not meddle with, but let them atone, and so

with exceeding :nuch spoile and infinite prisoners, they returned home againe.

What with the Crimme оп the опе side, and with his crneltie оп the other, he

hath but few реор1е lett. Commend те to mistresse Тлапе, уоиг wife, and to М.

Lo•k, and to aIl our friends.

Vours to eommand.

Riehard U seombe.