int Уои, the Етрегог and Great Duke, а place in оиг kingdom

flt ироп Your own charges, as long as Уои shall like 10 remain with

us. Ando if it shall seem good unto Уои, the Emperor and Great

Duke, to deport from our countries, we shall sufTer У ои with all

quietly to depart either into У оцт Empire of Moscovia, от else, whe-

ther it shall best like У ои to pass through оит dominions and countries,

neither shall we апу wise let, от stay Уои, but with all ofices and

courtesies let Уои, оит dear Brot.her Emperor and Great Duke, pass

into Your country, от else, where at Your pleasure. This we рто-

mise by virtue of these our letters and the word of а Christian

Prince. Ип witness thereof and for the further tes timony of this our

letter, we, Queen Elizabeth, do subscribe this with оис own hand,

in the presense of these our nobles and counsellors, Nicholas Васоп,

knigt, Great Chancellour of оиг realm of England; William Lord

Parr, Marquis of Northampton, knight of our ord>r of the garter;

Непту Earl of Arundell, knight of our said order of the garter;

Francis Lord Russel, Earl of Bedford, knight of оит said order;

Robert Dudley, Lord of Derby, Earl of Leicester, Master of оит

house and knight of the same order; Edward Lord Аау(оп and

Gay, Lord Admiral of England апа knight of our said order;

William Lord Howard of Effingham, Lord Chamberlain and knight

of the same order; Francis knolles, knight, 0verseer of оит house;

William Cecil, knight, оит principal Secretary, and have also thereto

hanged our privy seale, promising Уои, that we against our соттоп

enemies shall with опе accord fight with our соттоп swords and

do every and singular things, mentionned in (his writing as long, as

God shall leave us life. And theriby the word and faith of our рто-

mise. Given af qur palace of Hampton Court the 27 day of the

month of Мау, in the 12-th уеаг of our reign, and in the year

of оиг Lord опе thousand five hundred threescore and ten.

Елисавета, милостью • Королева и

защитница BrhPbI и проч. Великому и Могущественному

Государю, нашему дорогому Брату, Великому Государю всея Руси

прив4;тъ, и мирт во ГосподгЬ 1ИСУС'Ь ХристЬ.

и проч.,

Какъ въ другихъ нашихъ письмахъ, переданныхъ Послу Вашего

Величества, именитому человТку, Андрею Григорьевичу Савину,

мы отв%тили на большую часть Вашихъ посланТ, такъ теперь