Москвы, не выключая и самой Москвы, принаддежитъ имъ... Рус

Ckie защищаютъ свою страну и ими а Крым-

Ckie Татары дтлаютъ на нихљ иаб•Ьги одинъ или два раза въ годъ,

иногда около Троицына дня, но чаще во время жатвы. Когда идетъ

войною самъ или Ханъ, то ведетъ онъ съ со-

бою огромную въ 400,000, или 200, ООО, чедов•ькъ. Въ про-

тивномъ случа•В они д1злаютъ кратковременные и внезапные налги

съ меньшимъ числомъ войска, кружась около границы, подобно то-

му, какъ летаютъ гуси, захватывая по дорог•Ь все и стремясь

туда, гд'ь видятъ добычу» (стр. 58—59).

Разумгћется, Флетчеръ многое изъ сообщаемаго имъ могъ дич-

но слышать отъ вид•Ввшихъ Москвы своими глазами, или

слышавшихъ о томъ отъ очевидцевъ. На это онъ не разъ и ссы—

дается словами: «какљ сказываютъ; какъ разсказываютъ; какъ мн•Ь

говорили; какљ они говорятъ,» и т. п.

Въ подзпннвкт такъ: «ТЬе neighbours, with whom they (Russe) haue greatest

dea1ings et intercourse, both in реасе et warre, are first the Tartar, secondly the

Polonian, whom the Russe calleth Laehes, the third ате the Swedens. The Tartars

аге farther 0f from us (as being of Asia) and diuided into тапу tribes, differ-

ent both in пате, and gouernment ове from another. Tlte greatest and mightieBt

of them i8 the Chrim Tartar (whom some call the Great Cham), that 1ieth south

and southeastward from Russia, and doth most аппоу the countrie by often in-

uasions, соттоп1у опсе euery yeare, sometimes entring very farre within the

inland parts. Тп the yeare 1571 he сате as farre as the citie Mosko, with

ап armie 200,000 теп, Mitl»out апу battaile, от resistance at all, for that the

Russe Emperour (then 1иап Vasilowich) leading foorth his armie to encounter

with him, marched а wrong way, but as it was thought от very purpose, as

not daring to aduenture the fielde, by reason that hee doubted his B0bilitie апд

chiefe captaines, of а meaning to betray him (о the Tartar. The citie he tooke

not, but fired the subburbs, which by reason of the buildinges (which is аи

от wood without апу stone, brick, от lime, saue certein out roomes) kindled

so quickly, and went оп with such rage, as that it consumed the greatest part

от the citie almost yithin the space от foure houres, being of 30 miIes, от тоге

от compasse. Then might уои haue scene а lamentable spestacle: besides the

huge et mighty Пате от the citie a11 оп 1ight fire, the people burning in their

houses and streates, but most of all от such as laboured to passe oilt of the

gates farthest from the enemie, where meeting together in а mightie throng, and

so pressing euery тап to preuent another, wedged themselues so fast Hithin

gate, and streates пеаге unto it, as that three ranks walked опе ироп the others

head, the uppermost treading (]ожпе those (hat теге 10wer: that there ре-